Spurgeon and Hyper-Calvinism with Phil Johnson

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Description: History teaches us that hyper-Calvinism is as much a threat to true Calvinism as Arminianism is. Virtually every revival of true Calvinism since the Puritan era has been hijacked, crippled, or ultimately killed by hyper-Calvinist influences. Modern Calvinists would do well to be on guard against the influence of these deadly trends. Read: A Primer on Hyper-Calvinism
Description: History teaches us that hyper-Calvinism is as much a threat to true Calvinism as Arminianism is. Virtually every revival of true Calvinism since the Puritan era has been hijacked, crippled, or ultimately killed by hyper-Calvinist influences. Modern Calvinists would do well to be on guard against the influence of these deadly trends. Read: A Primer on Hyper-Calvinism ★ Support this podcast ★
Spurgeon and Hyper-Calvinism with Phil Johnson
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