The expository preaching ministry of Kootenai Community Church by Pastors/Elders Jim Osman, Jess Whetsel, Dave Rich, and Cornel Rasor. This podcast feed contains the weekly sermons preached from the pulpit on Sunday mornings at Kootenai Church.

The Elders/Teachers of Kootenai Church exposit verse-by-verse through whole books of the Bible. These sermons can be found within their own podcast series by visiting the KCC Audio Archive.

Latest Episodes

A Pattern for Baptism (Acts)

Jim Osman’s sermon, “A Pattern for Baptism (Acts),” delves into the scriptural basis and practice of baptism as depicted in the book of Acts. Osman outlines who should...

Wise Abigail and Humble David - A Portrait of Complementarity (1 Samuel 25)

In this sermon, Dr. Owen Strachan explores the story of Abigail and David from 1 Samuel 25, highlighting the power of feminine wisdom. He discusses how Abigail’s wise ...

Recovering God's Design - The Gospel, Our Hope

In this sermon, Dr. Owen Strachan delves into the power of the gospel, contrasting it with the pervasive lies of paganism. He emphasizes that the gospel's power transf...

Paul's People: A Study in Faithfulness (2 Timothy 4:9-22)

Jeff Miller delivers a compelling sermon on Paul’s final instructions to Timothy from 2 Timothy 4:9-22. He explores how Paul’s guidance emphasizes faithfulness and per...

Finishing Strong in a Race Against Wicked Runners (2 Timothy 4:6-8)

Jeff Miller’s sermon on 2 Timothy 4:6-8 explores the theme of finishing strong in faith. He emphasizes Paul's journey, urging believers to rely on the Holy Spirit and ...

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